For Educators
Educators often ask Google what it takes for students to succeed in the tech industry. Here are some suggestions, resources, and programs that can help you prepare students to thrive in today’s CS job environment.
Made by Google
Made-by-Google resources for developers, job seekers, educators, and more.
How Google hires
Encourage interested students to visit our Careers Site to learn about Google's hiring process, which includes everything from engaging in self-reflection about skills and experiences to navigating the decision and offer phase. (Google Careers)
Google Developers training
Visit this one-stop shop for Android and web developers training, which offers courses on Android, web, Firebase, machine learning, TensorFlow, and more. (Google Developers)
Google for Education
Feast on this Google-designed resource set for students and educators. Programs that support diversity and grants for teaching computing are just a few of the many offerings found here. (Google)
Google Summer of Code Archive
Whether or not you're a student, you can look back and learn from this archive of past open-source Google Summer of Code projects dating back to 2005. (Google Developers)
Life at Google
Want to try tools in the Cloud for free? Apply for a grant to get free credits if you’re a teacher or researcher. (YouTube)
Applied CS Skills: Case studies
Applied CS Skills is a free online course by Google that emphasizes hands-on coding experience. It also has resources for educators, such as examples of university adaptation and use of course content. (Google)
ESTIMATED TIME: 30-60 MINSGoogle Cloud Platform education credits
Want to try tools in the Cloud for free? Apply for a grant to get free credits if you’re a teacher or researcher. (Google)
Curriculum Resources
A variety of resources to incorporate into your classrooms—from assignments, to project ideas, and best practices from leading professional organizations within tech.
Nifty Assignment ideas
Looking for assignment ideas that will challenge your computer science students and also rate high on the fun scale? This site features high-quality materials that may spark ideas for your curriculum. (Stanford University)
What companies expect students to know
This slide deck created by Google provides an industry/employer perspective on what CS concepts undergraduate students should to know to be career-ready. We hope that you can use it as you see fit. (Google)
Runestone - Free online textbooks
Check out these free interactive online textbooks hosted by Runestone. You can share these with students or create a custom private course.
NCWIT's Engage CSEdu repository
Explore resources that support diversity in undergraduate computer science, ranging from CS1/CS2 course materials to research-based teaching practices, created by the National Center for Women in IT. (NCWIT)
IEEE Computer Engineering curricula
This report, developed by the IEEE and ACM, details a suggested college computer engineering curriculum, traces the evolution of the discipline, and outlines requirements for program accreditation. (IEEE)
ACM Computing curricula
Looking for guidance in keeping your undergraduate curricula fresh and relevant? Developed jointly by the ACM and IEEE, these are some college curricular guidelines in various computing disciplines. (ACM)
Teaching Cloud Computing
New to teaching about the Cloud and want to draw on the experience of a veteran professor? This excellent article looks at the topic in the abstract and from a software engineering perspective. (St. Andrews University)
ESTIMATED TIME: 20-30 MINSCreating a chatbot
This tutorial is aimed at teachers who want to expose their students to the Google Cloud Natural Language API. It's a 3-part series that expands on the Advanced Placement Computer Science A program. (Google Cloud)
Example databases course syllabus
Developing a database course? This syllabus from a University of Texas course gives students a practical understanding of databases and big data. (University of Texas)
Coding Problems for Students
Various online platforms that house homework drills and practice problems in multiple languages.
CodingBat (Java, Python)
Students can deepen their Java and Python skills using this free site’s practice problems. Faculty may want to use them as homework drills, lab exercises, or lecture examples. (CodingBat)
Students can practice coding skills and/or prep for their dream tech job interview on this platform, which features an expanding library of over 1600 coding questions in 14 programming languages. (LeetCode)
Project Euler
Students can use these free math-related problems to hone their problem solving skills, coding skills and math abilities. Faculty may use them as homework drills, lab exercises, or lecture examples. (Project Euler)
Kaggle Pandas course
Build your students’ confidence in data manipulation with these hands-on challenges. This course can work as a pre-assessment tool or as a way to help students brush up on DataFrame skills. (Kaggle)
Articles for Students
Blog entries, news articles, research, and more reading material for anyone looking to learn more about CS and the tech industry.
The Great AI Awakening
Provoke some thoughtful classroom discussion around machine learning and its effect on computer science with this article focusing on Google, artificial intelligence, and neural networks. (New York Times)
How Google Search works
Want your students to understand how Google's algorithm worked when it debuted? Here's the original paper by its founders, which lays out the hypertext-heavy structure of a prototype search engine. (Stanford University)
Benefits of open source projects
Illustrate the benefits of participating in the open source community and tout the advantages of mentorship to your students by reading this interview with the winner of Red Hat's Open Source Award. (OpenSource)