Resource Library
Below you can find all of the different resources in the Guide: practice problems, former Google interview questions, online courses, videos, and more.
How to use arrays (C++)
In C++, an array is a variable that can store multiple values of the same type. Learn more about arrays in this tutorial and how you can use them to declare, initialize, and access elements. (Programiz)
ESTIMATED TIME: 20-30 MINSDynamic programming
Dynamic programming is a powerful technique that allows you to solve problems quickly and efficiently. Learn about dynamic programming and how you can apply it to your code. (HackerEarth)
ESTIMATED TIME: 20-30 MINSHow to prepare for coding interviews
Studying for coding interviews can be challenging. Check out this article to learn more about what you can do to make the best use of your study time to ace those interviews! (freeCodeCamp)
ESTIMATED TIME: UNDER 10 MINSGoogle's hiring process
Whether you're applying for an engineering position or another role at Google, check out this page to learn more about our hiring process and what Google looks for in candidates. (Google Careers)
ESTIMATED TIME: 10-20 MINSWhere to practice coding interview questions
The best way to learn how to solve coding questions is by practicing them! If you're unsure where to start, check out this article to find interactive websites you can use to find practice problems. (Medium)
Encourage interested students to visit our Careers Site to learn about Google's hiring process, which includes everything from engaging in self-reflection about skills and experiences to navigating the decision and offer phase. (Google Careers)
List of algorithms
Boost your knowledge base by consulting this extensive Wikipedia entry, which catalogs hundreds of important algorithms and classes of algorithms. (Wikipedia)
ESTIMATED TIME: 20-30 MINSList of data structures
Firm up your knowledge of data structures with this Wikipedia index of critical data structure types. (Wikipedia)
ESTIMATED TIME: 20-30 MINSThe Algorithm Design Manual, by Steven S. Skiena
Consult this handy reference book for identifying and working with key algorithms. The first part is a guide to algorithm design and analysis; the second is a reference catalog of 75 crucial problems. (Goodreads)
ESTIMATED TIME: OVER 2 HOURSSecrets to landing your next job
With the right prep, you can land your dream job. This book uncovers what interviews are like and includes tips on questions to ask, how to approach a problem, and how to recover if you get stuck. (Goodreads)