Resource Library
Below you can find all of the different resources in the Guide: practice problems, former Google interview questions, online courses, videos, and more.
What are variables?
What are variables and why are they useful? Learn how to store values in your programs with variables by watching this video from's series on CS Principles. (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: UNDER 10 MINSTutorial: Variables (Python)
Variables act as "storage locations" for data in a program. Practice using variables with this guided Python tutorial from the University of Waterloo. (CSCircles)
Operators used in programming
Watch this video to learn about what operators are, what different types exist, and how you can use them to compute data in your code. (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: 10-20 MINSTutorial: Operators
An operator is a symbol that tells your program to perform logical operations. For example, a plus sign operator is used to add numbers! Learn about available operators and how they're used in coding. (TutorialsPoint)
Evenly spaced (Java)
Try this question to determine whether 3 given numbers are evenly spaced, or that the difference between the small and medium number equal the difference between the medium and large number. (CodingBat)
Make bricks (Java)
Interested in learning how to use the modulo operator? Get some practice by solving this problem where you'll use the modulo operator to check whether it's possible to make a row of bricks. (CodingBat)
Make bricks (Python)
Interested in learning how to use the modulo operator? Get some practice by solving this problem where you'll use the modulo operator to check whether it's possible to make a row of bricks. (CodingBat)
Test your knowledge of variables & operators!
Test your knowledge of variables and operators with this short quiz. Even if you're not an expert, this quiz will give you immediate feedback to help you better understand the concepts.
ESTIMATED TIME: UNDER 10 MINSIf statements explainer
Learn about control flow in programming, including the fundamental concept of if statements, in this helpful video from Udacity's Programming Languages course. (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: UNDER 10 MINSIf statements tutorial (Python)
If statements' allow you to perform actions only when certain conditions are met. Learn more about if statements and control flow in programming from this tutorial with examples to guide you. (CSCircles)
Else statements & boolean operators (Python)
Learn about else statements and boolean operators, such as and, or, or not, from this interactive lesson! While this lesson highlights Python, the concepts can be applied to any programming language. (CSCircles)
How to write if statements (C++)
Want to create decision-making programs in C++? Learn how you can take advantage of the if statement to do just that! (Programiz)