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  • Test your knowledge of stacks & queues!

    Test your knowledge of stacks and queues with this short quiz. Even if you're not an expert, this quiz will give you immediate feedback to help you better understand the concepts.

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  • Quiz

    1. A Stack is created and the following values are added to it: 5, 2, 7, 1. What will be the first value removed from the Stack?

    Stacks implement a Last In First Out algorithm, so the last value added (1) will be the first removed.

    2. What is the minimal number of Stacks need to implement a Queue?

    A Queue can be implemented using two Stacks.

    3. A Queue is created and the following values are added to it: 3, 1, 2, 6. What will be the first value removed from the Queue?

    Stacks implement a First In First Out algorithm, so the first value added (5) will be the first removed.

    4. True or False: In priority queue, the value with the highest associated priority is always removed first

    Priorities queues can be implemented to remove values with the highest or lowest associated priority.


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