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Test your knowledge of trees!
Test your knowledge of trees with this short quiz. Even if you're not an expert, this quiz will give you immediate feedback to help you better understand the concepts.
1. Each node in a tree points to a:
Each node in a tree points to child nodes (if they exist)
2. Which of the following is true about binary trees
It's possible to have binary trees that aren't binary search trees, balanced, or full.
3. Which of the following is a common use case for a tree?
Trees store values hierarchically, allow for quick access, and can be used to implement indexing in databases.
4. What's the average time complexity for searching for a value in a binary search tree?
Binary search trees allow lookups in O(log n) time.
5. What's the average time complexity for inserting a value into a binary search tree?
Binary search tree allow inserting values in O(n) time.