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  • Test your knowledge of variables & operators!

    Test your knowledge of variables and operators with this short quiz. Even if you're not an expert, this quiz will give you immediate feedback to help you better understand the concepts.

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  • Quiz

    1. What data type is used to store the value: "hello world"?

    Strings are used to store a sequence of characters like "hello world", ":)", "goodbye!".

    2. What data type is used to store one of the two values: TRUE or FALSE?

    Boolean (also known as bool) are used to store True or False values.

    3. What does the operator "<=" mean?

    The "<=" operator means that the first value is less than or equal to the second value.

    4. Which operator means "equal to"?

    The "==" operator mean that the first value is equal to the second value.

    5. What does this boolean expression evaluate to: (5 < 5) or (2 >= 2 and 1 > 2)

    "5 < 5" will evaluate to False. "2 >= 2" will evaluate to True. "1 > 2" will evaluate to False. As a result, the entire expression can be rewritten as: False or (True and False). "True and False" evaluate to False. Therefore, the expression is: False or False, which is False.


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