Resource Library
Below you can find all of the different resources in the Guide: practice problems, former Google interview questions, online courses, videos, and more.
Intro to arrays
Want to dive deeper into the world of arrays? Watch this helpful Khan Academy video to learn how to store a sequence of multiple values in one variable, using arrays. (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: UNDER 10 MINSArrays tutorial (Java)
What are arrays and what are they used for? Find out from this LeetCode tutorial, which is divided into chapters each covering an aspect of arrays. It also includes practice problems for you to solve. (LeetCode)
How to use arrays (C++)
In C++, an array is a variable that can store multiple values of the same type. Learn more about arrays in this tutorial and how you can use them to declare, initialize, and access elements. (Programiz)
ESTIMATED TIME: 20-30 MINSFind centered average (Python)
In this practice coding problem with a twist, you'll compute the mean average value in an array of numbers...ignoring the largest and smallest numbers in the array! (CodingBat)
Find intersection
Finding commonality, or intersections, among two pieces of data is a useful skill to learn in computer science. Practice this skill by finding the intersection between two lists of numbers. (coderbyte)
Sort array by parity
Looking to practice your sorting algorithm skills? Try this practice problem where you have to order the elements based on whether they're even or odd. (LeetCode)
Test your knowledge of arrays/lists!
Test your knowledge of arrays/lists with this short quiz. Even if you're not an expert, this quiz will give you immediate feedback to help you better understand the concepts.
ESTIMATED TIME: UNDER 10 MINSQuick intro to hash maps
New to the concept of hash maps? Check out this video from Google to learn about what hashmaps are through a fun example! (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: UNDER 10 MINSHow hashmaps work
Hash tables are common data structure used in computer science to store key-value pairs. Check out this video to learn more about hash tables as well as the concept of collisions. (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: 10-20 MINSHash map tutorial (Java, C++)
Check out this interactive tutorial offered by LeetCode to learn about what hash tables are, how they should be implemented, and when they should be used. Examples and practice problems are included! (LeetCode)
Create a phonebook
Want to implement your own contact list? Try your hand at this coding question in which you'll be asked to create a phone book based on given names and numbers. You'll also get practice with hashmaps. (HackerRank)
Interested in getting practice with both hash maps and mathematics? Check out this coding problem in which you're asked to find 4 numbers in an array that add up to a given value. (LeetCode)