Resource Library
Below you can find all of the different resources in the Guide: practice problems, former Google interview questions, online courses, videos, and more.
What is computer science?
Are you curious about computer science? Check out this video to learn about what computer science is, the different ways it's used to solve problems, and why it's such a valuable skill to learn. (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: UNDER 10 MINSHistory of computer science
Interested in the history of CS? This CrashCourse video explains how programming started and developed long before electronic devices existed. (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: 10-20 MINSHow to start studying programming
Are you interested in studying computer science, but unsure where to start? Check out this video for some useful study tips! (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: UNDER 10 MINSWhich programming language should you learn first?
Not sure which programming language you should learn first? Check out this video to gain insights on what languages may be good to learn for a beginner! (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: UNDER 10 MINSWhat are variables?
What are variables and why are they useful? Learn how to store values in your programs with variables by watching this video from's series on CS Principles. (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: UNDER 10 MINSOperators used in programming
Watch this video to learn about what operators are, what different types exist, and how you can use them to compute data in your code. (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: 10-20 MINSIf statements explainer
Learn about control flow in programming, including the fundamental concept of if statements, in this helpful video from Udacity's Programming Languages course. (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: UNDER 10 MINSProgramming basics: statements and functions
Did you know that you can create a video game using conditional statements? Check out this video to learn about control flow in programming and how you can use the concept to create your own games! (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: 10-20 MINSIntro to arrays
Want to dive deeper into the world of arrays? Watch this helpful Khan Academy video to learn how to store a sequence of multiple values in one variable, using arrays. (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: UNDER 10 MINSQuick intro to hash maps
New to the concept of hash maps? Check out this video from Google to learn about what hashmaps are through a fun example! (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: UNDER 10 MINSHow hashmaps work
Hash tables are common data structure used in computer science to store key-value pairs. Check out this video to learn more about hash tables as well as the concept of collisions. (YouTube)
ESTIMATED TIME: 10-20 MINSIntro to linked lists
Are you new to linked lists? Check out this short video that gives an overview of what linked lists are and how they are used in programming. (YouTube)